Accessioning Unit Core


Accessioning, shipping, receipt, processing, storage, and retrieval of all biospecimens, clinical and non-clinical samples, and vaccine and/or biological products is carried out by the DHVI Accessioning Unit and Biorepository (AU). The Accessioning Unit and Biorepository is a GCLP-compliant biorepository that is monitored / audited by Quality Assurance for Duke Vaccine Immunogenicity Program (QADVIP).  The Biorepository has over 1.2 million samples stored in Ultra Low Temperature Freezers and maintained electronically by the Simple Laboratory Information System (SLIMS).  

Working closely with the QADVIP team, the Accessioning Unit and Biorepository became an American Association of Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA) accredited biobank under the International Organization of Standardization (ISO) 20387:2018 standard in January 2024. 

All DHVI Accessioning Unit activities are performed using standard operating procedures (SOPs) that are stored and accessible under password protection using the Enterprise Quality Management Software (eQMS) Assurx. In addition to Accessioning Unit-specific SOPs, the unit operates under the auspices of the DHVI Safety Team and follows all global DHVI SOPs.

Accessioning Unit staff are all International Air Transport Association (IATA) trained, and the team is experienced in the shipping and receiving of biospecimens domestically and internationally at multiple temperatures. The team is also proficient with import/export permitting, CDC and USDA permitting, and the use of multiple courier services including Marken, World Courier, and BioCair.

Need to request samples stored in the AU? 

Please submit a sample request using the link below:

New specimen request form.

The sample request form does not include domestic or international shipment information.  Please fill out a domestic or international shipping request below if shipping is also needed.

Need to use the AU to ship samples, reagents, biological products domestically?

Please submit a domestic shipping request using the link below:

Domestic Shipping Request

Need to use the AU to ship samples, reagents, biological products internationally?

Please submit an international shipping request using the link below: (a manifest is required to submit the international shipping form)

International Shipping Request

If using a third-party vendor or Biocair for international shipping, please e-mail Thad Gurley ( for further information.

More Information about the AU

DHVI - Accessioning Unit Core Data Management Plan

Featured Posters

Presented at the 2024 Duke Pediatrics Retreat, Durham, NC, April 10, 2024:
Duke Human Vaccine Institute (DHVI) Accessioning Unit and Biorepository ISO 20387 Biobank Accreditation - Thaddeus C. Gurley, Kristen Skinner, Gary Massey, Susan Stager, Carley West, Marcella Sarzotti-Kelsoe, and M. Anthony Moody

Presented at the International Society for Biological and Environmental Repositories (ISBER) 2023 Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington, May 3 - 6, 2023:
Moving the Duke Human Vaccine Institute (DHVI) Accessioning Unit and Biorepository During the COVID-19 Pandemic - Thaddeus Gurley, Gary Massey, Susan Stager, Aubree LaTorre, Cindy Kuykendall, Anthony Tritz, Breana Montgomery, Russell Zoeller, and M. Anthony Moody

Facility Leadership

Duke Human Vaccine Institute Accessioning Unit and Biorepository Receives International Organization of Standardization 20387 Biobanking Accreditation

The Duke Human Vaccine Institute (DHVI) Accessioning Unit and Biorepository (AUB) became an American Association of Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA) accredited biobank under the International Organization of Standardization (ISO) 20387:2018 standard in January 2024. DHVI’s AUB became one of only ten A2LA ISO 20387 accredited biobanks in the world.