Accessioning Unit Core

This Core primarily provides support for human clinical studies that fall within DHVI’s mission of performing research against infectious diseases that impact global health.

Logo for DHVI's Accessioning Unit Biorepository

The team provides support for the recruiting participants of all ages as well as processing, storage, and retrieval of specimens obtained for these studies.

In addition, this unit provides similar support for the non-human and small animal studies.

Need to Request Samples?
Follow these steps:


  1. Start by submitting a specimen request form.
  2. If your specimens need to be shipped, also fill out the relevant form below for each destination:
    1. International Shipping Request
    2. Domestic Shipping Request

More Information about the AU

DHVI - Accessioning Unit Core Data Management Plan

Featured Posters

Presented at the 2024 Duke Pediatrics Retreat, Durham, NC, April 10, 2024:
Duke Human Vaccine Institute (DHVI) Accessioning Unit and Biorepository ISO 20387 Biobank Accreditation - Thaddeus C. Gurley, Kristen Skinner, Gary Massey, Susan Stager, Carley West, Marcella Sarzotti-Kelsoe, and M. Anthony Moody

Presented at the International Society for Biological and Environmental Repositories (ISBER) 2023 Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington, May 3 - 6, 2023:
Moving the Duke Human Vaccine Institute (DHVI) Accessioning Unit and Biorepository During the COVID-19 Pandemic - Thaddeus Gurley, Gary Massey, Susan Stager, Aubree LaTorre, Cindy Kuykendall, Anthony Tritz, Breana Montgomery, Russell Zoeller, and M. Anthony Moody

Facility Leadership

Download the DHVI Accessioning Unit poster

Duke Human Vaccine Institute Accessioning Unit and Biorepository Receives International Organization of Standardization 20387 Biobanking Accreditation

The Duke Human Vaccine Institute (DHVI) Accessioning Unit and Biorepository (AUB) became an American Association of Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA) accredited biobank under the International Organization of Standardization (ISO) 20387:2018 standard in January 2024. DHVI’s AUB became one of only ten A2LA ISO 20387 accredited biobanks in the world.