Cell Analyzers
RTP Campus, Room 2104
Biosafety: BSL2 and BSL2-Human specimen
Five lasers: Blue (488 nm), Green (561 nm), Red (637 nm), Violet (404 nm), and Ultraviolet (355 nm)
31 parameters: Foward Scatter, Side Scatter, 6 fluorescent channels off the Blue, 5 fluorescent channels off the Green, 3 fluorescent channels off the Red, 8 fluorescent channels off the Violet, and 7 fluorescent channels off the Ultraviolet
High Throughput System: 96 and 384 well plate-based acquisition in addition to tubes
Duke West Campus, RP1, Room 105
Biosafety: BSL2
Four lasers: Blue (488 nm), Green (532 nm), Red (642 nm), and Violet (405 nm)
20 parameters: Forward Scatter, Side Scatter, 2 fluorescent channels off the Blue, 5 fluorescent channels off the Green, 3 fluorescent channels off the Red, and 8 fluorescent channels off the Violet
Duke West Campus, RP1, Room 105
Biosafety: BSL2 and BSL2-Human specimen
Four lasers: Blue (488 nm), Green (532 nm), Red (642 nm), and Violet (405 nm)
20 parameters: Foward Scatter, Side Scatter, 2 fluorescent channels off the Blue, 5 fluorescent channels off the Green, 2 fluorescent channels off the Red, and 8 fluorescent channels off the Violet
High Throughput System: 96 and 384 well plate-based acquisition in addition to tubes
RTP Campus, Room 2104, and Duke West Campus,MSRBII, Room 4116
Biosafety: BSL2 and BSL2-Human specimen
One laser: Green (532 nm) with 2 fluorescent channels off the Green
Photo diode detector for Forward Scatter
Duke West Campus, MSRBII, Room 4036
Biosafety: BSL2 and BSL2-Human specimen
Three lasers: Blue (488 nm), Red (642 nm), and Violet (405 nm)
15 parameters: Forward Scatter, Side Scatter, 5 fluorescent channels off the Blue, 2 fluorescent channels off the Red, and 6 fluorescent channels off the Violet, that shares many of the same filters as our BD instruments, so will be readily adaptable to many panels designed for our other cytometers
PlateCrane EX High Throughput Robotic System: 96, 384 and 1536 well plate-based acquisition
RTP Campus, Room 2104
Biosafety: BSL2 and BSL2-Human specimen
This analyzer allows users to capture and barcode hundreds to thousands of single cells for genomic and proteomic analysis.
Cell Sorters
RTP Campus, Room 2104
Biosafety: BSL2 and BSL2-Human specimen
Five lasers: Blue (488 nm), Green (561 nm), Red (638 nm), Violet (402 nm), and Ultraviolet (355 nm)
32 parameters: Foward Scatter, Side Scatter, 6 fluorescent channels off the Blue, 5 fluorescent channels off the Green, 3 fluorescent channels off the Red, 8 fluorescent channels off the Violet, and 8 fluorescent channels off the Ultraviolet
6-way sorting, Index sorting
Duke West
Campus, GHRB, Room 1071
Biosafety: BSL2, BSL2-Human specimen, and BSL3 (please contact RBL facility for more information)
Five lasers: Blue (488 nm), Green (561 nm), Red (638 nm), Violet (402 nm), and Ultraviolet (355 nm)
32 parameters: Foward Scatter, Side Scatter, 6 fluorescent channels off the Blue, 5 fluorescent channels off the Green, 3 fluorescent channels off the Red, 8 fluorescent channels off the Violet, and 8 fluorescent channels off the Ultraviolet
6-way sorting, Index sorting
Duke West Campus, MSRBII, Room 4038
Biosafety: BSL2 and BSL2-Human specimen
Four lasers: Blue (488 nm), Green (532 nm), Red (639 nm) and Violet (405 nm)
19 parameters: Forward Scatter, Side Scatter, 2 fluorescent detectors off the Blue, 5 fluorescent detectors off the Green, 3 fluorescent detectors off the Red and 7 fluorescent detectors off the Violet
4-way sorting, Index sorting