Travel Awards

Travel awards are not currently available. 

We will begin accepting applications on April 1, 2025.



Travel awards (not to exceed $1,000 total cost per successful applicant) are available to graduate students or postdocs who are affiliated with the Duke Center for HIV Structural Biology (DCHSB) and who are attending a conference that has a significant focus on HIV or structural biology. Applicants must present either a poster or a talk at the conference to be eligible. Applications will be reviewed by the DCHSB Developmental Core leaders and selected based on merit and available funds.

Application Process

Applications need to be submitted at least 30 days prior to meeting start date and contain all of the items listed below:

  • A short description of the meeting, addressing its relevance to the DCHSB and the benefit to the applicant. Include name, dates, and location of meeting.
  • The abstract of your presentation (poster or talk) at the meeting.
  • A short letter of support from your DCHSB Principal Investigator.

To apply, please complete this form, save it to your computer, then email it to Dr. Aaron Cook.

Applications will be accepted throughout the funding year.