
D&I Leadership statement on Jacob Black shooting

The shooting of Jacob Blake by police, followed by the killing of two protestors in Kenosha, Wisconsin, only underscores the state of inequality that persists in American society. The DHVI will continue to affirm its stance against racial inequality and call for each of its members to actively promote social justice and change for our nation. The leadership of the DHVI stands with the leadership of the School of Medicine in denouncing senseless gun violence and police brutality against black and brown Americans.

EQAPOL Announces Updates to the Flow Cytometry EQA Program 

After more than 30 years of commitment to Duke University and 10 years to the EQAPOL program, we would like to announce Ms. Janet Staats, Research Laboratory Manager for the (External Quality Assurance Program Oversight Laboratory) EQAPOL Flow Cytometry ICS program has retired effective December 31, 2019. Over the years, Ms. Staats has applied her wealth of experience and knowledge to the EQAPOL contract and should be acknowledged for the dedication in which she has served the EQAPOL Flow program.