It is incumbent upon us as Americans to recognize the significance of the verdict in the Chauvin trial. It is undoubtedly a landmark in our country’s journey to become a more just version of itself. It is a signal to our country that we should respect each other as people first beyond our race, economic status, orientation, political ideology, religion, gender, or ethnicity. However, let us not be mistaken in thinking this verdict means change. Change will not come from any single verdict, but instead comes from each of us deciding to value one another. That is what the George Floyd death has meant for this nation. It has caused each of us to ask do we really value the community of people around us that speak, look, and even vote differently than we do. While Americans of color took a collective sigh of relief yesterday, it is not a time for rejoicing in victory. The work to eliminate social injustice and prejudices of all types is not complete. Instead, each of us should reflect on yesterday’s events and ask ourselves since the summer of 2020 what have I learned about myself and my beliefs. We hope that after that period of reflection you will decide to stand with the DHVI leadership in denouncing and eliminating discrimination against all underrepresented groups of people. When we individually make that decision, then collectively change will occur.